Friday, May 18, 2012

The danger of fuel is that the fuel that nuclear fission power plants uses is Uranium and its limited to a few suppliers and countries. For example India had to shut down their nuclear plants because of embargoes. The nuclear fuel could be very high radioactive and needs to be handle with great care. There is no Foolproof way to dispose nuclear waste fuel after it is used in the nuclear reactors. Waste is mainly stored at individual reactor sites and there are over 429 locations around the world where radioactive material continues to accumulate.

Nuclear power can cause an explosion like the Chernobyl disaster that occur in 1986 that release large quantities of radioactive contamination to the planet and was consider to be the worst accident in History. That disaster caused a lot danger to the human life because it got spread widely in USSR and Europe. Women where afraid to give birth to unhealthy baby's and older people stay at their home to die from the radioactive contamination.   In 2011 there was another accident with nuclear power that caused radiation in Japan caused by a tsunami and earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 . The accident in Japan affected thousands of residents and some evacuated to another country because of the radiation.

I'm against Nuclear Energy because reactors can cause radioactive waste and become dangerous if any mistake happens would cause problems to the environment. The Radioactive waste can remain dangerous for many years and it could cause danger to the human health like Cancer.etc. Also, A terrorist could target a nuclear reactor to make weapons and it would be worst for the country and Environment. Nuclear plants are not cheap to build and  is not safe for the Environment. Is not safe to mine for nuclear materials used in nuclear plants like uranium and titanium run a very high risk of water contamination near by water supplies.